Personal Finance Classes Examine Car Buying Options

On May 5, students in the Personal Finance Classes traveled to C & O Ford in Fairbury to enhance their knowledge of car loans and buying a car.  Mr. Larry Cote offered advice for buying a new versus a used car, explained the loan process, and gave tips about what to look for in a used car.  Cote also discussed rebates on new vehicles, trade-ins, and the importance of credit.  Students walked away with a better understanding of the car buying process.  Junior Evelyn Deras commented, “I learned that there are a lot of steps to complete the process of buying a car and getting a loan. I also learned that you need credit to buy a car so that the car dealers know that you will be able to pay the car with no problem.”  One of the students’ favorite parts of the trip was the opportunity to explore the array of vehicles on the car lot and compare prices and features of the vehicles.

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