Central Elementary Adds a Sensory Path

Central Elementary has added a sensory path, “brain break”, for students to use throughout the day.  Tip toeing on flowers, balancing on a snake, jumping on logs, wall pushes, spinning, walking heel toe, and reaching for the stars, are a few of the activities students can participate in as they make their way through the sensory path. During these exercises, students are building brain connections responsible for interpreting information from their sensory system.

The sensory path can offer students an opportunity to:

  • Self-regulate
  • Organize their bodies
  • Prepare themselves for the appropriate arousal levels for their classroom academic success

The sensory path, being a means for sensory regulation, can reduce sensory seeking behaviors, increase energy levels when needed, and provide a structured break when a student may need time to decompress. Movement and exercise enable blood flow and efficient circulation throughout the body. As a result, students can show increased focus and attention to their academics as well as increased cognitive functioning.

In addition to a “brain break”, this sensory path can allow students to further develop and practice motor skills such as:

  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Body and spatial awareness
  • Graded movement (impulse) control
  • Visual-motor skills

In the classroom, there are many motor-based skills that are correlated to academics such as sitting still; paying attention; speaking and communication; handwriting; motor imitation of demonstrations (how to add, divide, sound out a word, etc.); following directions; and so much more!

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