Dear Fairbury Public Schools Families,
The purpose of this message is to share information regarding our partnership with Unanimous.
Unanimous is a full-service branding agency based in Lincoln, Nebraska.  They have worked with school districts on strategic marketing, creative design and engaging websites.  At the November Board of Education Meeting, the Board of Education approved Unanimous to assist with a website design and brand manual.  A brand manual will produce consistent colors, fonts, logos, etc.  Unanimous will provide the following services:

  1. Audience & Market Research
  2. Brand Audit & Enhancement
  3. Website Development

Fairbury Public Schools work with Unanimous ties directly to our recently adopted Strategic Plan.

Strategy 2.4: Research, develop, and utilize a marketing plan to improve the perception and promote the many attributes of FPS to recruit high-quality teachers and increase student enrollment.

The website design and brand manual will take considerable effort.  I will keep you updated on the process and opportunities for stakeholder involvement.  You can find more information on Unanimous by visiting their website:

Sean Molloy, Fairbury Public Schools Superintendent

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