FHS Cheer Clinic

On Friday, October 2nd, the FHS Cheerleaders held a cheer clinic for younger students at Central and Jefferson. They had 54 future FHS Cheerleaders participate. The girls spent the afternoon learning cheers, playing games and eating snacks! To end the clinic, the girls put on a performance for friends and family, where they did a wonderful job. For the girls that wanted to participate, they were able to go to the Varsity Football game vs. Lincoln Lutheran and perform with the HS Cheerleaders until halftime. All girls involved did a fantastic job!! As a sponsor, I am very proud of the hard work they put into this!!

cheer clinic jefferson

First Quarter Family Fun Night

The first family fun night was held September 24th in front of the FYI Center for Jefferson and Central School Students and Families.  Children enjoyed games, food, and dancing to music throughout the night.


Don’t Let the Flu Rule!

Get your flu vaccine, once a year every year. Flu season is almost here, Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be offering flu vaccine clinics for students at your school. Prior to the start of clinics, students will be bringing home consent forms and fact sheets – this will explain the importance of getting the flu vaccine this year. Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to read all the information carefully, complete and sign the consent form. Send forms back to school with your student. Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be at your school on Wednesday, October 7th. This program is brought to the community by support from United Health Community Plan and Public Health Solutions. For more information, contact your school health office, or Public Health Solutions at 888-310-0565

Flu Vaccination Form

Star Spangled Banner National Sing-a-long

Our students at Jefferson were among many in our nation that took part in a national sing-a-long event to remember those that were lost in the attacks on 9/11.  At 12:00 (C.T.) students stopped what they were doing and sang The Star Spangled Banner all together.

Mrs. Bigley and Mrs. Erikson took time in music class to teach our students how to sing The Star Spangled Banner.  They also taught the students the history behind why it was written and the meaning of much of the vocabulary in the lyrics.

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