Connie Schouboe Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Connie Schouboe, Fairbury High School Art Teacher, as the recipient of the October Jeffs’ Best Award!

Here’s a comment from her nomination:
Connie has been a teacher at the high school for many years and has experienced so many things within the district. This is what makes her such a valuable part of the high school and the Fairbury School District. Connie is definitely the person that everyone goes to for advice about classroom management issue, problems they are encountering with students, or problems they are encountering with life. Connie is truly a selfless leader who cares about the entire school and will give up her time to listen to anyone in need. Connie always has a passion to help her students and has truly been a rock for me to lean on in my 7 years of teaching at Fairbury. She helped me so much my first couple of years and I always know that I can go to her with questions or for advice about so many things going on in my life. I highly recommend Connie Schouboe for the Jeffs Best Award!

Chuck Moore Court Dedication

Fairbury Public Schools is naming the high school gymnasium playing floor for long time and retired basketball coach Chuck Moore who coached boys basketball at Fairbury High for 23 years. He led the Jeffs to State Championships in 1971, 1973, 1978 and a runner-up in 1983.

CHUCK MOORE COURT will be officially dedicated on Friday October 8th.  The general public and past players are invited to an open house at the school’s gymnasium from 4:00-5:30 pm. The dedication will be followed by the Fairbury Jeffs vs Lincoln Christian football game at the Fairbury Athletic Complex. The Booster Club is hosting a tailgate prior to the game. Please spread the word about this well-deserved recognition and mark your calendar for the event.

The Senior players on the 1971 State Championship team wanted this honor for him and says so much about why we will forever celebrate the game of basketball at the FHS gymnasium on CHUCK MOORE COURT.  Naming the court for Coach Moore expresses The Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education and past players gratitude to this very special Jeffs coach.

Chuck Moore’s coaching career spanned 50 years including basketball, track & field, football, and wrestling.  Coach Moore’s boys basketball coaching record at Fairbury was 310-190 over a 23 year period (1969-1992).  He was 13-3 at State (a perfect 8-0 at Pershing Auditorium) during that time winning 6 District and 9 Conference titles.

In 2003 the Moores (primarily Coach Moore’s wife Sharon) were instrumental in heading up a five-year private fund-raising effort to build the $1.6 million Fairbury Athletic Complex which houses the football stadium/track facility.  

Chuck and Sharon Moore stand in front of the site of the future Fairbury Athletic Complex. (Robert Becker)


Chuck Moore Career Honors

  • 1978 District Basketball Coach of the Year
  • 1989 Girls Track & Field Coach of the Year
  • 1997 Coach of Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame inductee Bob Siegel
  • 1997 Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame Silver Anniversary Team – 1973 State Championship Team
  • 2007 Ed Johnson/Mike Heck Award for significant contributions made to high school basketball
  • 2011 Inducted into the Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame as a coach
  • 2013 Inducted into the National High School Athletic Coaches Association Hall of Fame
  • 2020 Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame Golden Anniversary Team – 1971 State Championship Team

Help Your School Sink The Flu and Covid-19 Too!

Public Health Solutions needs your help to wash out the Influenza and Covid-19 viruses. When more people receive the flu/covid-19 vaccine, less people will become sick and spread these viruses to others. This is especially important for infants 6 months or younger, immunocompromised individuals, or the elderly as they are at a greater risk to have serious complications due to influenza and coronavirus.

Public Health Solutions District Health Department will again be offering flu immunization clinics for students at your school and will be offering Covid-19 vaccines to anyone with a returned consent form who is 12 years and older. Prior to the start of the clinic, students will bring home a consent form and fact sheet explaining the importance of receiving the flu immunization. For the Covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer), there is a fact sheet on our website: There will also be an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) fact sheets at the school for anyone who receives the Covid-19 vaccine. Parents and guardians are encouraged to read the information carefully, complete and sign the consent form, and send it back to the school with their student. 

Sink the viruses and become a winner! All students who return a completed permission form AND receive the vaccine/vaccines on the day of the school clinic, will be entered into a drawing for a $20.00 gift card. Do not let the viruses win!

Public Health Solutions will be at your school on October 20, 2021. 

For more information, contact your school health office or Public Health Solutions at 402-826-3880.

Homecoming 2021!

FHS Student Council sponsored homecoming 2021 last week. There were dress up days; pajama, jersey, 80’s, patriotic and Jeff pride. The junior class won the hall decorating contest following the homecoming theme of  “Under the Sea”.

Monday a pep rally was held for the junior-senior high students at which the class representatives as well as the queen and king candidates were announced.   The cheerleaders lead cheers, and the pep band played the fight song. Team captains from each fall sport were introduced where they encouraged school spirit at their respective events.
On Friday, FCCLA held their annual pancake feed, which is always delicious. Friday also brought the homecoming parade which was organized by members of our community.  The homecoming court rode in the parade in jeeps  and then the crowning was held on the courthouse steps.
This years class representatives and candidates were as follows:  9th grade:  Karelin Deras and Drew Watson, 10th grade:  Madison Ohlde and Blake Starr,
11th grade:  Emily Woosley and Brendon Runge.
Queen and King candidates:  Jamie Junker and Rorik Blatny, Jami Mans and Alex Buxton, Brooke Schmidt and Zane Grizzle, Alissa York and Ethan Smith and Anna York and Braden Suey.
The 2021 Homecoming Queen was Jami Mans and our King was Zane Grizzle.
Following the football game, a dance was held at the Elks lodge from 9:30 until midnight.
It was a great week with students participating and showing their school spirit!

Students of the Month

Each month at Fairbury Jr. Sr. High School, teachers nominate students and then vote. Below are JH and HS September Students of the Month! Congratulations!! 7th- Iaunna Lucking and Trace Goosman 8th- Cambria Myers and Rene Monterroso 9th-12th- Karly McCord and Dalton VanLaningham


Homecoming Pep Rally and Candidates

Leading the homecoming festivities for the 2021-22 school year, the student council sponsored a pep rally where the class representatives and homecoming royalty candidates were announced.

2021-22 Class representatives are:

Freshman:  Drew Watson and Karelin Deras

Sophomore:  Blake Starr and Madi Ohlde

Junior: Brenden Runge and Emily Woosley

The 2021-22 Homecoming Royalty Candidates are:

Rorik Blatny and Jamie Junker, Zane Grizzle and Jami Mans, Alex Buxton and Brooke Schmidt, Ethan Smith and Alissa York, and Braden Suey and Anna York.

Trash Pick Up

Great Day for Highway 136 cleanup! We had 18 FFA members take time out of their busy schedule to come and help! (Mr. Dux)

Rosie Hill Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Rosie Hill, Fairbury High School Paraeducator, as the recipient of the September Jeffs’ Best Award!

 These are her nomination statements:
“Rosie Hill is a fantastic coworker! She is always willing to do all tasks that are asked of her. Currently, Rosie does a large amount of transporting for our programs-this means she arrives at school by 6:30 am and does not return until close to 5. She also helps out as a job coach for students that require assistance with their transitional work studies.
Rosie is a positive light in our district!”

“Rosie is always ready and willing to help wherever needed – and with a smile on her face and a friendly hello! She is truly appreciated!”

“Rosie has been a job coach and parapro for several years. She always goes the extra mile by sending photos and emails and teaching her students safety and procedures for those “what-if” situations. She is faithful to her job, loves her kids and works without complaint. She has become a member of our family !”
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