School Board Approves FPS Return to School Guidelines & Protocols

A special Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education meeting was held on Thursday, July 30th to finalize and work through the guidelines and protocols we will follow as we return to school this fall.  The administration has been consumed by the task of finding information, resources and best practices throughout the summer. They have been in constant contact with NDE personnel, DHHS personnel and area school districts. The plan they have crafted represents months of planning and discussions, trying to tailor it to our community. Thank you to: our administrative team, BOE members, secretary staff, custodial staff, food service, Superintendent Advisory Committee, technology team and FEA leadership. As you review the plan, please understand this forms our foundation. It does not answer every question or represent “what to do” in every situation. It will be ever changing and malleable to fit the circumstances as we experience them. With that in mind, please know we are in constant contact with resources to help us navigate what comes at us. We feel ready and this plan will help us along the way.  Please read the following documents for more detailed information.

Parent Return to School Plan

FPS – Return to School Plan

Fairbury E-Learning Form


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