Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun
In Miss Lassek’s 2nd grade classroom, the students heard a new story during the first week of school. Miss Lassek read the story “Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun.” This story outlines the importance of having courage, the importance of embracing our differences and the importance of never giving up. After hearing the story, the students took on a new challenge. The students were required to build the tallest tower in the classroom with only a few supplies. The students were given 20 mini marshmallows, 1 large marshmallow, 20 dry spaghetti noodles, a piece of paper and 5 inches of tape. The important details of the task was that the tower must stand on its own and hold the large marshmallow on the top. The students felt the challenge and difficulty of the task but never gave up! Congratulations to our winner, Carter Petersen for building the tallest tower to support the large marshmallow!
Amy Engle-Evans Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!
The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Amy Engle-Evans, Fairbury High School social studies Teacher, as the recipient of the May Jeffs’ Best Award!
These are her nomination statements:
Amy has gone above and beyond this year as the FEA president dealing with multiple issues: Covid, coaching, discipline issues etc.
Amy is a dedicated teacher and coach who has served FPS for many years. She is a member of the Jeff community and has spent countless hours helping the students and athletes she teaches and coaches. She is the head of the social studies department at the high school and has also mentored many teachers over the years. She would be very deserving of the award, for she is one of “Jeffs Best”
She builds relationships with her colleagues, students, and athletes. Mrs. Engle-Evans contributes to the community, in addition to the school system. FPS is beyond blessed to have Amy Engle-Evans on staff!
Schedule Your School Physical and Immunization
Jefferson Community Health and Life will be doing school physicals by appointment this year – scheduling after May 1st. They would like them to be done by August 1st to avoid a last-minute rush for scheduling. The price for these physicals will be $80, and if a UA dip is required, usually 7th grade and Kindergarten, it will be an additional $6. If you would like this to go to your insurance as a wellness exam, please let the schedulers know at the time of scheduling. Please have all forms filled out ahead of time and bring them to your appointment. Parents will need to sign a consent to treat for their child’s physical appointment. Please let JCH and L know if you have any questions.
Blue Valley Community Action immunization clinics are now scheduled for this summer!
Fairbury Youth Camp & Flag Football Registration
Youth Camp (Grades 1-5) July 26th 4:00-5:30 pm
Youth Camp (Grades 6-8) July 27th & 28th 4:00-5:30 pm
Flag Football (Grades 1-6) Thursdays 5:30-6:30 August 19th – September 23rd, 2021
5th Grades Show Their Creativity
5th graders in Miss Bartels’ enrichment class created projects that represented their understanding of novels that they have read. We just finished reading a two book series of “Freak the Mighty” and “Max the Mighty.” The students could pick from a variety of options that they could then create. Some of the options used were creating a board game, designing a t shirt with a scene in the book, picking out an object to design based on the book description, and making “wanted” posters for book characters!
Crystal Coakley Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!
The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Crystal Coakley, Jefferson Special Education Teacher, as the recipient of the April Jeffs’ Best Award!
These are her nomination statements:
I would like to Nominate Crystal Coakley for always being there for the students and staff. Crystal goes above and beyond what she has to do. It doesn’t matter how bad the students’ mornings/days are, she always finds a way to turn it around and make their day better. She is one that anyone can go and talk to about their day and she will sit and listen to you. We are very lucky to have Crystal in our school. She does so much for all the 3rd and 4th grade teachers. Crystal has a heart of gold for anyone that walks in her classroom.
Crystal Coakley has volunteered to cover the Jefferson LIFE program when Ms. Oakes is absent since it is difficult to find a substitute for this position.
Crystal then has a sub in her position instead. That means not only is she stepping in to fill the LIFE position, she is also having to make sub plans for her classroom.
That is a great team member! On her own time, Crystal is working on building relationships with the LIFE students. This allows her to have built in connections with the students and makes for a smoother transition for all.

FHS Alumni Questionnaire!
Fairbury Swim Team Registration Form
Registration Fee Per Swimmer $50.00
Swimmers 1 & 2 are $50 each, 3 or more are $45
Registration Fee Includes a Team T-Shirt
Registrations canceled on or before May 19th are fully refundable
Registration & Fees are Due by April 19, 2021